Hannah Rachel Cole is the 2022-2023 RITM Postdoctoral Fellow in the Environmental Humanities. She holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Cornell University. Her research and teaching interests include Caribbean literature, critical plant studies, and postcolonial studies. Her book manuscript, provisionally entitled A Thorny Way of Thinking: Botanical Afterlives of Caribbean Plantation Slavery, proposes a method of reading for plant biodiversity in Caribbean literature. An article from this research, “Breadfruit in the Wake: Imagining Vegetal Mutiny in Derek Walcott’s ’The Bounty,’” was recently published in the Latin American Literary Review. Her digital humanities project, Botanical Imaginaries, is a public-facing complement to her book project.
Accessible at http://botanicalimaginaries.com and developed with funding from the Cornell University Library, it offers interactive maps of plant migration in Caribbean literary texts.